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While your primary relationship can be one of the most profound sources of joy as well as one of the paramount challenges in your life, Leiven’s guidance can help expand your understanding and experience of it as a journey and process of growth that will allow you to
Form a more meaningful, deeper connection with your partner
Communicate in more grounded, accepting ways
Transmute whatever conflicts that do arise into deeper and more expansive love
Break free of the need to compromise
Be free from blaming and being blamed by your partner
Learn tools to work with your triggers
Clear patterns of unhealthy dependency and unconscious manipulation
Speak your needs clearly without fear of judgment or blame
Be more intimate in ways that work for you - not how it’s dramatized in mainstream media
Elevate how you show up in your primary relationship and thus how you show up in the world
Leiven embodies the essence of unconditional love, compassionate acceptance and support, vibrant passion, and emotional awareness embedded with healthy boundaries, conscious communication, and the capacity to dive deeply into shadows and challenges that is a foundation for unearthing healing and transformation in any relationship.
As a couple desiring to do the work together, your journey with Leiven is an expedition personalized to meet your unique relationship needs and creates the spaciousness needed for your relationship to unfold as it enriches and expands.
Every session will be tracked and documented, and each one will build upon the foundations and realizations of previous ones. Your journey will evolve and manifest to clearly show you your challenges, both internal and external, to offer you the understandings and resources to meet them as well as to bring to light and celebrate the magic already there, opening deeper appreciation of them and amplifying the ways they can be expressed and experienced.
Through the course of millennia, humanity has configured today’s world and a way of being in it that has predominantly operated by separating, compartmentalizing, objectifying, and exploiting everything within it. As this world reaches its breaking point of being able to support human life upon it, within this prevailing narrative and its systems, more and more are opening to the understanding that we are all connected not merely as humans but with all life, all things.
Unfolding with this blossoming awareness is the realization that our each and every act has an impact on those we are connected to, on the world around us, and for how each of us continues to evolve and grow.
We are awakening to the infinite ways we are deeply and fully in relationship to all things in all ways.
As the ways of objectification and exploitation break down, the lives and voices of those who have been unseen and unheard are rising through the fissures, and, as they are expressed and witnessed, they are opening paths to understandings of how we can be in relationship in new, powerful, healing, and transformative ways. Through it all, we are called upon to meet the challenges in these transitions as we seek to form more meaningful, nourishing, and expansive connections to the evolving world we are in relationship with.
Leiven has experienced and integrated a uniquely expansive life experience for navigating and thriving in these times of critical recalibration.
Born to and raised by a family of Taiwanese immigrants in the US and having lived long stretches of his life in both countries opens his awareness of cultures far apart in their beliefs and traditions
Sharing his life with a Beloved who discovered their neurodivergency and gender-fluidity during the course of their relationship opens him to intimate experience of a love which deepens and expands by breaking through conditions, judgments, and expectations
Intentionally choosing to only be engaged with planning and design projects that are committed to creating spaces that are healing and transformative for people and planet opens him to a dynamic and co-stewarding relationship with the planet and all of its energies and entities
Engaging in practices of movement, meditation, and breath with an exploratory and integrative approach opens his physical being to an easeful vibrancy that deepens his experience of flow in each and every present moment
His unfettered, unflinching journey of personal growth opens his expansive capacity to hold space for his own and others’ deepest emotions and challenges from a place of love and compassion without expectation or judgment as well as to guide others in nurturing their own capacity to do so.
If you are curious to feel a sense of Leiven’s presence and what he has to offer, Leiven shares prayers and meditations in a blog under Inspirations as well as some of his easily accessible yet most deeply impactful Practices.
Should you and your partner feel called to invest in and commit to engaging Leiven’s guidance and support in enriching and expanding your experience of your relationship and each other, schedule a FREE, introductory 1-on-1 Guidance Session and complete the Intake Inquiry below:
Aside from responding to the Intake Inquiry, there are no further expectations or obligations beyond your presence for your call and openness to authenticity and exploration.
The intention of this free session is for Leiven to fully be in service to you and to offer you the support, insight, and guidance you are seeking. The call will generally be at least 45 minutes but can extend up to 90 or more if needed. If your experience in this session resonates deeply for you and you feel called to engage Leiven’s ongoing support, the possibility for doing so can be explored at the end of your session.
Because Leiven’s service as a guide is tailored to most impactfully meet each situation, your unique circumstances and course will determine the exchange for his service and the length of time you will journey together. While that can be from six months to a year or more, Leiven is fully committed to structuring his service to meet the needs of everyone who is committed to their personal growth and transformation and in alignment for him to serve.
Should you and your partner feel called to invest in and commit to engaging Leiven’s guidance and support in enriching and expanding your experience of your relationship and each other, schedule a FREE, introductory 1-on-1 Guidance Session and complete the Intake Inquiry below:
Aside from responding to the Intake Inquiry, there are no further expectations or obligations beyond your presence for your call and openness to authenticity and exploration.
The intention of this free session is for Leiven to fully be in service to you and to offer you the support, insight, and guidance you are seeking. The call will generally be at least 45 minutes but can extend up to 90 or more if needed. If your experience in this session resonates deeply for you and you feel called to engage Leiven’s ongoing support, the possibility for doing so can be explored at the end of your session.
Because Leiven’s service as a guide is tailored to most impactfully meet each situation, your unique circumstances and course will determine the exchange for his service and the length of time you will journey together. While that can be from six months to a year or more, Leiven is fully committed to structuring his service to meet the needs of everyone who is committed to their personal growth and transformation and in alignment for him to serve.
Leiven is instrumental in my journey in doing growth-oriented work. I had the privilege of being close to him through great tension and conflict in my life. When we connected during this time, I received so much comfort from his presence, how he holds space and reflects with great empathy. I truly feel him to be a strong, empty vessel that I could pour anything in to. Leiven's actions and how he communicates come from a place of his wisdom, integrity, and resolve that will always impress me. He's healed me, he's prepared me to face my fears, and has affirmed me in a way that leaves me glowing after we part ways.
- Taylor Lahey, Partner, Design @ Celo Foundation
Make no mistake, Leiven Hwang carries the depth and power of eternal truth. I have never encountered someone with such grounded presence whose spirit also dances with joyous marvel. He is one of the most sincere and wisest individuals I've ever met. When you speak to Leiven, you might have the life-altering experience of actually being truly and fully listened to for the first time. He receives life with his whole being, and he reflects back into it offerings that are as provocative as they are trustworthy. I recommend Leiven as a guide, coach, sage, friend, and leader with every fiber of my being.
- Jeremy Falk, Jeremy Falk Yoga & Director of Yoga @ Tempo
When Leiven enters the room…people feel more free to be themselves. He gives men the permission to be more fluid and less in that masculine box. There’s a sense of honor that enters the room with him, a sense of possibility and humanity, and hearts open. People feel connected, safe, and loved.
- Peter Rubin
Leiven's presence is indescribable - you must experience it and feel it within your own body. Leiven shares a very unique depth that reaches softly into your heart by touching your soul's uniqueness. He can attentively bring you back to your true vulnerability, guiding you to feel and celebrate life for what it is. It is a true honor to work with Leiven, and my life has been transformed since I have done so.
- Lukasz Kruk, Yoga, Massage & Aguahara Therapist
The field Leiven created…I’ve never experienced anything quite like this. It felt very conscious, very supportive of whatever it is that we were going through, and I just felt so held inside the container, and there was that precision in each of the practices each week that really dialed in beautiful energy for our relationship.
- Minda Myers
What working with Leiven has given me more than anything is the awareness that space holds more power than force. Through his demonstration of generous listening, imparting to me powerful tools of tuning into my body and spirit as well as generating love and empathy, Leiven has taught me not to fight the rapids of a raging river but instead to become the river; and, in so doing, holding space and being a clearing for conversation to flow, love and affinity to be present, and "conflict " to be resolved through the organic process of reflective listening. When Leiven gives feedback, he embodies a skilled archer: knowing that his arrows are precious, he uses them sparingly, delivering them with acute accuracy at precise moments of necessity. Through working with Leiven I have stepped up at my job as a Mental health first responder and am now a leader in creating a new paradigm in my chosen field. I am also on my way to discovering the relationship of my dreams. I would recommend ANYONE to work with Leiven - the value I have received is immeasurable.
- John King, Certified Peer Mental Health Counselor
There is real magic in Leiven’s embodied presence and wide-open heart. My body immediately feels at ease and safe, my heart opens, my womb delights, my most authentic natural self comes through and expresses spontaneously in the moment with ease and joy in a way that has a natural perfection. Integrity, Authenticity, Love, Joy, Connection - these are not just words or concepts but embodied reality with Leiven, where I feel truly held, seen, and free. Thank you, Beloved Leiven, for your sacred presence which allowed me to drop into my own sacredness and to fully receive all the gifts that life is opening me to experience. Thank you for your gift!
- Gabriele Seewald, Sacred Nature Connection Practitioner, Miaoding Zen Teacher & Holistic Wellbeing Practitioner
My connection with Leiven has brought me increased confidence, helped me sharpen my skills and vision, learn to better talk about feelings utilizing body sensations, made me more honest, and challenged me to see my projections.
- Alex Case